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Week 1: 25-29 July Monday, 25 July 9:00-12:00 Registration, computer set-up 14:00-16:00 Discussion of the program agenda and presentation plan 16:00-17:00 Welcome reception Tuesday, 26-29 July Program Topic: "Numerical simulations and mean-field theory" - Recent results of numerical dynamo simulations - Effects of magnetic helicity and cross-helicity - Models of turbulent diffusivity and magnetic pumping - Progress in mean-field dynamo models - Links between numerical simulations and mean-fields models Tuesday, July 26, 9:30 - 12:00 (coffee break 10:30-11:00) - Effects of magnetic helicity and cross-helicity A. Brandenburg, V. Pipin, D. Sokoloff, K. Kuzanyan, N. Yokoi Wednesday, July 27, 9:30 - 12:00 (coffee break 10:30-11:00) - Cross-helicity, models of turbulent diffusivity and magnetic pumping N.Yokoi, Cross-helicity modeling (cont.) I. Rogachevskii, Models of turbulent pumping N. Kleeorin, Compressibility effects in turbulent pumping and diffusivity Thursday, July 28, 9:30 - 12:00 (coffee break 10:30-11:00) - Mean-field dynamo models V. Pipin, Surface-shear dynamo model G. Guerrero, Flux-transport solar dynamo models, advantages and issues Friday, July 29, 9:30 - 12:00 (coffee break 10:30-11:00) - Mean-field dynamo theory and observations K. Kuzanyan, Review of observations of cross-helicity A. Bonanno, Dynamo model with meridional flow with deep stagnation point Week 2: 1-5 August "Advances in dynamo theory" Monday, August 1 - Turbulence models in dynamo theory A. Brandenburg, Introduction to tau-approximation K.-H. Raedler, Comments on tau- and smoothing approximations I. Rogachevskii, Comparison of tau approximation with others analytical approaches Tuesday, August 2 - Dynamical models and dynamo M.Reshetnyak, Break of symmetry in Parker's dynamo N. Kleeorin, How to calculate the integral of motion, and Kolmogorov theory in the contents of dynamo theory Wednesday, August 3 - Recent results of numerical dynamo simulations R. Simitev, Convective-driven dynamo and applications to the Sun F. Busse, Applications of thin-shell models to the Sun P. Kapyla, Stratified convective dynamos in a spherical shell A. Brandenburg, Low Prandtl number simulations Thursday, August 4 - Oscillatory and chaotic regimes D. Mitra, Kinematic dynamos with shear and fluctuating alpha effect Xing Wei, Kinematic dynamo action in spherical Couette flow Friday, August 5 - Subgrid scale models N. Mansour, SGS MHD LES models N.Yokoi, Incorporation of helicity effects in sub-grid scale models Week 3: 8-12 August Program Topic: "Astrophysical Dynamos" Monday, August 8 Individual project and collaborations Tuesday, August 9 A. Bobrick, Mass transfer in white dwarf-compact object binaries R. Arlt, Angular-momentum removal through stellar radiation zones Wednesday, August 10 D. Sokoloff, Simple model for geodynamo reversals M.Reshetnyak, Compressibility and Kinetic Helicity Generation in Geodynamo Thursday, August 11 K. Kuzanyan, Observable statistical properties of current helicity distribution in solar active regions as manifestation of multi-scale nature of solar turbulence D. Sokoloff, Cluster analysis of the butterfly diagram Friday, August 12 A. Bonanno, Stellar dynamo D. Sokoloff, Polar branches of stellar activity waves: dynamo models Sharanya Sur, Galactic dynamo Week 4: 15-18 August Program Topic: "Dynamo, Magnetic Self-Organization and Links to Observations" Monday, 15 August Joern Warnecke, Coronal mass ejections driven by dynamo action underneath the solar surface Fabio Del Sordo, The generation of vorticity through irrotational forcing Tuesday, 16 August Elisabete M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, Magnetic Flux Transport in turbulent Astrophysical environments: the role of Magnetic Reconnection Phil Goode, Strange solar cycles 11:00 Nordita seminar: Irina Kitiashvili, Multi-scale dynamics of the Sun Wednesday, 17 August Jan Stenflo, Bipolar magnetic regions on the Sun: Global analysis of the SOHO/MDI data set Alexander Kosovichev, Helioseismology and magnetic field observations from SDO Maarit Mantere, New interpretation of starspots 1:30pm Seminar: Irina Kitiashvili, Realistic simulations of solar magnetoconvection 3:30pm Göran Scharmer, Observations of the Evershed effects Thursday, 18 August Phil Goode, New solar observational results that support local dynamos Jan Stenflo, Collapsed, uncollapsed, and hidden magnetic flux on the quiet Sun Vincent Duez, Relaxation in rotating stellar radiation zones Simon Candelaresi, Magnetic helicity, topological interpretation, relaxation and transport 3:30pm - Jan Snellman, 1D models of Boussinesq convection Afternoon tea topics: Nobumitsu Yokoi, Comments on solar wind turbulence Nobumitsu Yokoi, Magnetic reconnection Axel Brandenburg, Solar winds results 19 August 9:00 - 12:00 Final reports by participants - Concluding remarks, future plansUnderstanding the origin of solar and stellar magnetic field is one of the central problems of physics and astrophysics, and a key to understanding the cosmic magnetism, in general. There are two main difficulties in studying this problem: 1) magnetic fields are generated by turbulent dynamos in convection zones below the visible surface, not accessible by direct observations; 2) solar and stellar magnetic activity is a multi-scale phenomenon, involving physical processes on very small scales, probably, below the current observational limit, and at the same time showing remarkable large-scale spatial and temporal organizations over a whole star. The prime target of our investigation is the Sun, which serves as the Rosetta Stone in this field and holds the key to unlocking the secrets of magnetic field generation in the Universe. The most detailed observational data and theoretical models have been obtained for the Sun, but also a very significant progress has been in observations and theories of magnetism on other stars.
Registration deadline: 20 June 2011
Deadline for accommodation: 20 May 2011