1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Constraining dark matter signal from a combined analysis of Milky Way satellites with the Fermi-LAT

5 Aug 2011, 14:00
The Oskar Klein Auditorium (AlbaNova University Center)

The Oskar Klein Auditorium

AlbaNova University Center


Ms Maja Llena Garde (Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University)


Dwarf spheroidal galaxies have a large mass to light ratio and low astrophysical background, and are therefore considered one of the most promising targets for dark matter searches in the gamma-ray band. The Fermi-LAT sensitivity to gamma-ray sources can be improved through the use of a combined likelihood analysis, which in the event of a null detection, yields enhanced constraints on dark matter parameter space. From a combined analysis of the Fermi-LAT data for 10 dwarf spheroidal galaxies, we derive robust constraints on the dark matter annihilation cross section for multiple channels accounting for astrophysical uncertainties.

Primary author

Ms Maja Llena Garde (Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University)

Presentation materials