1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The Fermi haze from Dark Matter Annihilation and Anisotropic Diffusion

4 Aug 2011, 11:20
The Oskar Klein Auditorium (AlbaNova University Center)

The Oskar Klein Auditorium

AlbaNova University Center


Dr Ilias Cholis (SISSA/ISAS)


The Fermi haze is a diffuse component of gamma-ray emission centered towards the galactic center, extending up to approximately $\pm$50 degrees in latitude, recently revealed after analysis of full-sky map data from the Fermi LAT instrument. The Fermi ``haze'' is the gamma-ray counterpart generated by inverse Compton emission from the same population of electrons which generate the microwave synchrotron haze observed at WMAP wavelengths, with two distinct characteristics: its significantly harder spectrum than the emission elsewhere in the Galaxy and its morphology that is elongated along the latitude with respect to the longitude with an axis ratio ~2. If dark matter annihilation, in the Galactic halo, is responsible for producing those electrons, the standard spherical halo and isotropic diffusion of cosmic rays in the Galaxy can not explain the elongated morphology of the signal. Yet, the presence of ordered magnetic field towards the center of the Galaxy can cause cosmic rays to diffuse anisotropically along the ordered field lines. Also dark matter halos have been shown to be generically triaxial by cosmological simulations. The combination of a prolate dark matter halo and anisotropic diffusion can easily yield the required morphology of the signal without making unrealistic assumptions about the galactic magnetic field while also being consistent with local cosmic-ray measurements as well as CMB constraints. A Sommerfeld enhancement to the annihilation cross-section of ~30 yields a good fit to the morphology, amplitude, and spectrum of both the gamma-ray and microwave haze. Finally, such DM models, can give a very different neutrino signal as compared to astrophysical models suggested in order to explain the Fermi haze signal.

Primary authors

Dr Gregory Dobler (KITP/UCSB) Dr Ilias Cholis (SISSA/ISAS)


Prof. Neal Weiner (NYU/IAS)

Presentation materials