1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

On the cosmogenic neutrino flux

2 Aug 2011, 17:00
The Svedberg (AlbaNova University Center)

The Svedberg

AlbaNova University Center


Prof. Subir Sarkar (University of Oxford)


Cosmogenic neutrinos with energy up to ~10^{11} GeV originate from photo- hadronic interactions of UHECR protons with the CMB and the accompanying EM cascades generate a diffuse gamma-ray background in the GeV-TeV region. Thus Fermi-LAT measurements of the extragalactic gamma-ray flux constrain the cosmogenic flux and, indirectly, the UHECR source spectrum and its cosmological evolution in conjunction with air shower data from Auger and HiRes. The best-fit flux is still within reach of experiments such as ANITA, Auger and IceCube, however if the primary UHECRs are heavy nuclei rather than protons then the neutrino flux will be even smaller. Nevertheless there is a case for constructing even larger detectors given the potential for probing non-perturbative QCD as well as BSM physics by sudying deep inelastic scattering of such high energy neutrinos.

Primary author

Prof. Subir Sarkar (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials