1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The HAWC gamma ray observatory

4 Aug 2011, 15:30
The Oskar Klein Auditorium (AlbaNova University Center)

The Oskar Klein Auditorium

AlbaNova University Center


Ignacio Taboada (Georgia Institute of Technology)


The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory is a ground based very high-energy gamma ray detector under construction in Mexico at an altitude of 4100 m. Higher altitude, improved design and a larger physical area used for triggering and background discrimination makes HAWC 15 times more sensitive to Crab-like spectra than its predecessor Milagro. HAWC's large field of view (~2sr) and near 100% duty cycle make it ideal to search for transient sources such as AGNs and GRBs as well as to conduct unbiased surveys of galactic and extragalactic over a large fraction of the sky. The status of the HAWC project and its scientific prospects will be discussed.

Primary author

Ignacio Taboada (Georgia Institute of Technology)


Collaboraion HAWC (Sierra Negra, Mexico)

Presentation materials