1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

WIMP astronomy with liquid-noble and cryogenic direct-detection experiments

3 Aug 2011, 16:25
The Svedberg (AlbaNova University Center)

The Svedberg

AlbaNova University Center

Oral Direct dark-matter searches Direct searches for dark matter


Dr Annika Peter (University of California, Irvine)


Once weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are unambiguously detected in direct-detection experiments, the challenge will be to determine what one may infer from the data. I examine the prospects for reconstructing the local speed distribution of WIMPs in addition to their particle-physics properties (mass, cross sections) from next-generation cryogenic and liquid-noble direct-detection experiments. I show that using a more general, empirical form of the speed distribution can lead to good constraints on the speed distribution as well as the WIMP mass and cross sections. Moreover, one can use Bayesian model selection criteria to determine if a theoretically-inspired functional form for the speed distribution (such as a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution) fits better than an empirical model. The shape of the degeneracy between WIMP mass and cross sections and their offset from the true values of those parameters depends on the hypothesis for the speed distribution, which has significant implications for consistency checks between direct-detection and collider data. In addition, I find that the uncertainties on theoretical parameters depends sensitively on the upper end of the energy range used for WIMP searches. Better constraints on the WIMP particle-physics parameters and the speed distribution are obtained if the WIMP search is extended to higher energy (~1 MeV).

Primary author

Dr Annika Peter (University of California, Irvine)

Presentation materials