1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Recent results from the Fermi Large Area Telescope

5 Aug 2011, 11:10
The Oskar Klein Auditorium (AlbaNova University Center)

The Oskar Klein Auditorium

AlbaNova University Center

Oral Plenary talks Plenary talks


Seth Digel (KIPAC/SLAC)


The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on the $Fermi$ mission began routine science operations almost exactly three years ago, on August 4, 2008, and has operated nearly flawlessly and stably. It has surveyed the sky in the 20 MeV to >300 GeV energy range with unprecedented depth and resolution and frequency of coverage. The rate of scientific return from the LAT continues to be high. I will present an overview of recent work, including general LAT catalogs and studies of source populations, investigations of transient sources as varied as the Sun, the Crab Nebula, and gamma-ray bursts, results on cosmic-ray production in the Milky Way, studies of diffuse Galactic and extragalactic gamma-ray emission, and limits on WIMP dark matter.

Primary author

Seth Digel (KIPAC/SLAC)

Presentation materials