1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Dark matter in light of recent cosmic ray data

2 Aug 2011, 09:00
The Oskar Klein Auditorium (AlbaNova University Center)

The Oskar Klein Auditorium

AlbaNova University Center

Oral Plenary talks Plenary talks


Dr Fiorenza Donato (Torino University)


I will review the interpretation of the most recent data on cosmic antimatter in terms of a possible Particle Dark Matter contribution. A major attention will be paid to the production of positrons and antiprotons by astrophysical sources, acting as a background in the indirect Dark Matter searches. The particle candidates confronted with the most recent antimatter data will be discussed. Perspectives for the searches with antideuterons will be touched.

Primary author

Dr Fiorenza Donato (Torino University)

Presentation materials