1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

GAPS: An Indirect-Detection Dark Matter Search Experiment

1 Aug 2011, 16:00
The Oskar Klein Auditorium (AlbaNova University Center)

The Oskar Klein Auditorium

AlbaNova University Center


Rene Ong (LLR-Ecole Polytechnique/UCLA)


The General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) experiment is a balloon-borne instrument designed to detect low-energy (< 0.5 GeV/n) anti-deuterons, which could be a signature for dark matter annihilation. In the energy region probed by GAPS, very little anti-deuteron background is expected from conventional astrophysical sources and hence the detection by GAPS of even a few anti-deuterons would be very significant. GAPS will consist of a large Si(Li) tracker, surrounded on the top and sides by a time-of-flight system, that also serves as an anti-coincidence shield. Anti-deuterons are detected by an exotic atom technique which produces characteristic X-rays and pion tracks in the Si(Li) detector. The current status of GAPS will be reviewed with emphasis placed on the development of a prototype detector (pGAPS), scheduled for flight in 2011.

Primary author

Rene Ong (LLR-Ecole Polytechnique/UCLA)


GAPS Collaboration (None)

Presentation materials