7–9 Apr 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Solution of the explosive percolation quest

9 Apr 2011, 09:40



Prof. Sergey Dorogovtsev (University of Aveiro)


Until recently, the percolation phase transitions were believed to be continuous, however, in 2009, a remarkably different, discontinuous phase transition was reported in a new so-called "explosive percolation" problem. Each new link in this problem is established by a specific optimization process. We develop the exact theory of this phenomenon and explain its nature. Applying strict analytical arguments to a wide representative class of models for the infinite system size limit, we show that the "explosive percolation" transition is actually continuous though with an uniquely small critical exponent of the percolation cluster size. These transitions provide a new class of critical phenomena in irreversible systems and processes. We obtain a complete description of the scaling properties of these second order transitions. For all these models, we find the scaling functions and the full set of critical exponents, and, also, the upper critical dimensions which turn out to be remarkably low, close to 2.

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