7–9 Apr 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Simulation of opinion formation driven communities in coevolving social networks

8 Apr 2011, 16:50



Prof. Kimmo Kaski (Aalto University)


Here we model the dynamics of opinion formation in human societies by a co-evolution process involving two distinct time scales of fast transaction and slower network evolution dynamics. In the transaction dynamics we take into account short-range interactions as discussions between individuals and long-range interactions to describe the attitude to the overall mood of society. The latter is handled by a uniformly distributed parameter, assigned randomly to each individual, as quenched personal bias. The network evolution dynamics is realized by rewiring the societal network due to state variable changes as a result of transaction dynamics. The main consequence of this complex dynamics is that communities emerge in the social network for a range of values in the ratio between time scales. In this paper we focus our attention on the attitude parameter $\alpha$ and its influence on the conformation of opinion and the size of the resulting communities. We present numerical studies and extract interesting features of the model that can be interpreted in terms of social behaviour.

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