Jonathan Oppenheim
The origin of black hole entropy, and the black hole
information problem provide important clues for trying to
piece together a quantum theory of gravity. Thus far,
discussions on this topic have generally assumed that in
a consistent theory of gravity and quantum mechanics,
quantum theory will be unmodified. This talk will
examine the black hole information problem in the
context of generalisations of quantum theory. The black
hole information problem suggests that either
information is fundamentally destroyed, or if information
is preserved, the semi-classical description of black hole
evaporation must be misleading. Two generalisations
will be discussed, each one bolstering a different side in
this debate. In one, information is fundamentally
destroyed, but in a way which preserves conservation
laws. In another, information is preserved, but can
become delocalised, or remain in the black hole until the
end of the evaporation process, while still respecting
entropy bounds.