Lipid ion channels and critical opalescence in biomembranes

Mar 29, 2012, 4:00 PM
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Thomas Heimburg (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)


In the recent years, our group has explored the possibility that electromechanical pulses (solitons) can travel along nerve axons that share many similarities with the action potential of nerves. The above model does not explicitly require ion channel proteins, which are the central elements in the textbook models for the explanation of the nervous impulse. When a voltage is applied across the membrane, ion channel proteins can be recognized in electrophysiological experiments by a quantized change of current intensities in the range of a few Pico-amperes. Thus, these currents exist and are a proven fact. It is therefore important to address the question of the origin of the quantized currents in the soliton model. Here, we show that changes in the conductance of membrane can be the result of critical fluctuations in the lipid membrane that leads to pore formation in the membrane. These pores generate a current signature that is indistinguishable from that of protein channels both in amplitude and channel lifetime. Within a thermodynamic treatment, these phenomena are well explainable by application of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The channel lifetimes are shown to correspond to the fluctuation timescales, and the increased channel likelihood is explained by the large increase of the magnitude of the fluctuations close to transitions in the membrane, which lead to a large increase in membrane compressibility. This phenomenon resembles that of critical opalescence in binary mixtures of fluids. We compare experimental traces from biological cells with current recordings from synthetic membranes.

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