18–21 Jun 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Accommodation (map)

These are some nearby hotels that are also reasonably close to downtown Stockholm (either by foot or with public transportation). Distances are from the AlbaNova University Center where the Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) physics departments are found. More information can be found by following the links to the hotel websites.

Unfortunately we cannot help with hotel reservations, so please contact the hotel of your choice directly. June is tourist season in Stockholm, so please make your reservations early.

Rooms are currently reserved at these locations:

  • Wenner-Gren Center (1.0 km)
    Sveavägen 164, tel. +46 (0)8 736 98 00
    Primarily a housing complex for long term visitors, there are a small number of hotel rooms available (single: 700 SEK/night, double: 800 SEK/night). Hotel guests have 24 hour access to a kitchen. One guest apartment (incl. kitchen, living room & bedroom) is available for someone travelling with their family (900 SEK/night). Call the number above or contact reception@swgc.org for reservations (be sure to say that it is for the TOOLS conference).

  • Hotel Oden (1.7 km)
    Karlbergsvägen 24, tel. +46 (0)8 457 97 00
    A block of rooms has been reserved under booking number G: 322 157 (1060 SEK/night). Rooms will be held until May 31.

Additional hotels:

  • Elite Hotel Arcadia (0.7 km)
    Körsbärsvägen 1, tel. +46 (0)8 566 215 00
    Conveniently located very close to the workshop site.
  • Hotel Hansson (1.2 km)
    Surbrunnsgatan 38, tel. +46 (0)8 15 04 20
    Part of this hotel is currently undergoing renovation (as of 2012).  Pre-renovation rooms are available at a reduced rate.

  • Best Western Time Hotel (1.3 km)
    Vanadisvägen 12, tel. +46 (0)8 545 473 00

  • Elite Palace Hotel (1.6 km)
    S:t Eriksgatan 115, tel. +46 (0)8 566 217 00

  • Elite Hotel Stockholm Plaza (1.8 km)
    Birger Jarlsgatan 29, tel. +46 (0)8 566 220 00