Yaron Kedem
(KTH, Sweden)
The weak measurement protocol, introduced by Aharonov,
Albert and Vaidman 25 years ago, is now in widespread use.
They showed that weak coupling of a measurement device
to a quantum system, together with a postselection, can
yield an intriguing quantity which was named The Weak
Value. In some contexts an observable on the system can
be replaced by its Weak Value, even though it can be much
larger than any of its eigenvalues and is also complex in
general. The method of weak measurements have been
shown to be highly useful both for the analysis of
fundamental issues in quantum mechanics and for practical
applications such as precision improvement. We will start
with a review of the formalism and then discuss a recent
development regarding the enhancement of the Signal to
Noise Ratio for precision measurements in the presence of
technical noise. We will see that when imaginary weak
values are used, such a noise can improve the precision.
Reference: Y. Kedem, Phys. Rev. A 85, 060102 (R) (2012)