October 13, 2014 to November 7, 2014
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Widom Lines and Dynamic Crossovers in Water

Oct 23, 2014, 10:30 AM
FR4 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Prof. Paola Gallo (Università di Roma Tre)


In this talk I shall summarize recent results from computer simulations that address two important issues: how can the Widom line of water both in the supercritical and in the supercooled states help to characterize its properties and how can aqueous solutions and confinement help to shed light on water properties in the supercooled region. The Widom line is the line of convergence of the maxima of the thermodynamic response functions upon approaching a critical point. The characterization of this line is very important in water both in the supercooled and in the supercritical state and it can be found upon approaching respectively the liquid-liquid and the liquid gas critical points. I will analyze the thermodynamic properties of bulk water in the supercritical region by comparing experimental results and computer simulation results along the isobars. The lines connecting the maxima of the thermodynamic response functions converge upon approaching the critical point to a single Widom line separating a liquid-like region from a gas-like region. This Widom line of supercritical water is connected to the crossover from a liquid-like to a gas-like behaviour of the transport coefficients [1]. In the supercooled state the experimental determination of the liquid-liquid critical point can be eased in aqueous solutions depending on the solute, as computer simulations show that its position is shifted in the thermodynamic planes with respect to the bulk [2]. I will characterize the Widom line in hydrophilic [3], amphiphilic [4] and hydrophobic [5] aqueous solutions. I will also show that the Widom line emanating from the LLCP can be connected to dynamic crossovers in solutions. Dynamics crossovers are associated to the crossing of the Widom line both for the Jagla liquid with hard spheres [5] and for the aqueous solutions of NaCl [6,7] and the results found in solutions are comparable to those found in the bulk [8]. In correspondence with the dynamic crossovers I will show that the two-body entropy [9] also shows a change of behaviour and the relation that connects the two body entropy and the relaxation time in the region where Mode Coupling Theory is valid does not hold any more. I will finally briefly discuss the connection between a dynamic crossover and the Widom line also in confinement [10,11]. [1] P. Gallo, D. Corradini and M. Rovere, submitted (2014). [2] D. Corradini, M. Rovere and P. Gallo, J. Chem. Phys. 132, 134508 (2010). [3] D. Corradini and P. Gallo, J. Phys. Chem. B. 115, 14161 (2011). [4] D. Corradini, Z. Su, H.E. Stanley and P. Gallo, J. Chem. Phys. 187, 184503 (2012). [5] D. Corradini, P. Gallo, S.V. Buldyrev and H.E. Stanley, Phys. Rev. E 85, 051503 (2012). [6] P. Gallo, D. Corradini and M. Rovere, Mol. Phys, 109, 2069 (2011). [7] P. Gallo, D. Corradini and M. Rovere, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 204503 (2013). [8] P. Gallo and M. Rovere, J. Chem. Phys., 137 , 164503 (2012). [9] P. Gallo and M. Rovere, submitted (2014). [10] P. Gallo, M. Rovere and S.-H. Chen, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 064109 (2012). [11] P. Gallo, M. Rovere and S.-H. Chen J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1, 729 (2010).

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