October 13, 2014 to November 7, 2014
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Participant List

109 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Albert Bartok-Partay Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
alessandro paciaroni University of Perugia
Ali Hassanali ICTP
Anders Nilsson Stockholm University
Andrew Hodgson The University of Liverpool
Andrey Shalit Zurich University
Angel Garcia Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
angelos michaelides university college london
Antonina Vasylieva Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Athanassios Panagiotopoulos Princeton University
C. Austen Angell Arizona State University
Carlos Vega Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Charusita Chakravarty Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Chris Benmore Argonne National Laboratory
Daniel Schlesinger Physics department, Stockholm university
David Limmer Princeton University
David van der Spoel Uppsala University
Dietmar Paschek Universität Rostock
Eric Tyrode KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Fabio Bruni Dip. di Scienze, Università di Roma Tre
Fabio Sterpone CNRS/IBPC/LBT
Fivos Perakis SLAC / Stanford
Francesco Mallamace University of Messina
Francesco Paesani University of California, San Diego
Frédéric Caupin University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Fujie Tang Peking University
G. Andrés Cisneros Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University
Gabor Csanyi Engineering Laboratory, University of Cambridge
George Pitsevich Belarusian State University
Gerhard Grübel DESY
Gilbert Gullberg S:ta Ragnhildsgymnasiet
Giulia Galli University of Chicago
Gregory Medders University of California, San Diego
Hajime Tanaka Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Heather Allen Ohio State University
Hendrik Bluhm Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Huaze Shen Peking University
Huib Bakker FOM Institute AMOLF
Iourii Zhovtobriukh Stockholm University
Iryna Doroshenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Iwao Ohmine Institute for Molecular Science
James Skinner University of Wisconsin
Jan Swenson Departmentmen of Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology
Jan-Erik Rubensson Department of Physics and Astronomy
Jibao Lu Department of Chemistry, University of Utah
John Rehr Dept of Physics, Univ. of Washington
Jonas Sellberg Uppsala University Biomedical Centre
Joost VandeVondele Department of Materials, ETH Zurich
Jose M Soler Univ. Autonoma Madrid
Josephina Werner Uppsala University
Junrong Zheng Rice University
Katrin Amann-Winkel University of Innsbruck
Kristoffer Haldrup Technical University of Denmark
Lars Ojamäe Linköping University
Lars G.M. Pettersson Chemical Physics
lawrie skinner stony brook university
Leo Johansson Lara S:ta Ragnhildsgymnasiet
Limei Xu Peking University
Livia Eleonora Bove CNRS-Université P.&M. Curie & EPFL
Lothar Weinhardt Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Luigi De Marco The University of Chicago
Marie-Claire Bellissent-Funel CNRS
Marie-Madeleine Walz Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Marivi Fernandez-Serra Stony Brook University
Martin Thämer University of Chicago
Martin Hangaard Hansen Technical University of Denmark
Michael Gillan Unversity College London
Michael Vogel Technical University Darmstadt
Michele Ceriotti EPFL
Miguel A. Morales Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mikael Lund Lund university
Mikhail Anisimov University of Maryland, College Park
Mischa Bonn Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Nicholas Besley University of Nottingham
Nico van der Vegt Technical University of Darmstadt
Noam Agmon The Hebrew Univ.
Nobuhiro KOSUGI UVSOR, Institute for Molecular Science
Oksana Mishchuk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Olle Björneholm Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Ove Andersson Dept. of Physics, Umeå University
Paola Gallo Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Univeresità Roma Tre
Peter Hamm University of Zurich / Department of Chemistry
Peter Kusalik University of Calgary
Peter Pohl Johannes Kepler University
Philipp Pedevilla Chemistry
R. Kramer Campen Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
Renato Torre European Lab for Non-Linear Spectroscopy, Università di Firenze
Richard Henchman The University of Manchester
Roberto Car Princeton University
Ross McKenzie University of Queensland
Silvina Cerveny Material Physics Centre (CFM/MPC)
Sotiris Xantheas Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sylvie Roke EPFL - STI - IBI - LBP
Thomas Elsaesser Max-Born-Institute
Thomas Fransson Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Thomas Kühne University of Paderborn
Thomas Loerting University of Innsbruck
Thor Wikfeldt University of Iceland
Tom Markland Stanford University
Valeriy Pogorelov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Victor Ekholm Physics & Astronomy Uppsala University
Wei Fang University College London
Win Win Aye Physics and Astronomy Department
Yao Xu Ruhr University Bochum
Yoshihisa Harada The University of Tokyo
Yuan Liu IFM, Linköping university
Yuki Nagata http://agenda.albanova.se/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=3989
Zachary Kann University of Wisconsin