October 13, 2014 to November 7, 2014
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

On the Fluctuations that Order and that Frustrate Liquid Water

Oct 20, 2014, 5:00 PM
FD5 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Dr David Limmer (Princeton University)


At ambient conditions, water sits close to phase coexistence with its crystal. More so than in many other materials, this fact is manifested in the fluctuations that maintain a large degree of local order in the liquid. These fluctuations and how they result in long-ranged order, or its absence, are emergent features of many interacting molecules. Their study therefore requires using the tools of statistical mechanics for their systematic understanding. In this talk I present an overview such an understanding. In particular, I focus on collective behavior that emerges in liquid and solid water. At room temperatures, the thermophysical properties of water are quantified and rationalized with simple molecular models. A key feature of these models is the correct characterization of the competition between entropic forces of packing and the energetic preference for tetrahedral order. At cold temperatures, the properties of ice surfaces are studied with statistical field theory. The theory I develop for the long wavelength features of ice interfaces allows us to explain the existence of a premelting layer, the stability of ice in confinement and the dynamical fragile-to-strong crossover observed in confined water. In between these extremes, the dynamics of supercooled water are considered. A detailed theory for the early stages of coarsening is developed and used to explain the peculiar observation of a transient second liquid state of water. When coarsening dynamics are arrested, the result is the formation of glassy states of water. I show that out-of-equilibrium the phase diagram for supercooled water exhibits a rich amount of structure, including a triple point between two glass phases of water and the liquid. Using this perspective a number of response properties of amorphous ice are calculated and compared with experiment. Throughout all of this work, by invoking only behaviors that are well established and universal to many other liquids, I show how the properties of water can be understood without having to hypothesize the existence of extra features of water's phase diagram.

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