18–23 Aug 2014
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Quantum valley Hall effect and other byproducts of the electromagnetic interaction
 among the electrons in graphene

18 Aug 2014, 12:00
Svedbergsalen (FD5) (Nordita, Stockholm)

Svedbergsalen (FD5)

Nordita, Stockholm


Prof. Eduardo Marino (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)


Abstract: We use Pseudo Quantum Electrodynamics (PQED), a strictly 2D theory, in order to describe the full electromagnetic interaction of the p-electrons of graphene in a consistent formulation. By including the effects of the interaction on the vacuum polarization tensor and on the electron self-energy, we achieve the following physical results: 1) QVHE - We predict the onset of a spontaneous (interaction-driven) Quantum Valley Hall effect (QVHE) below a critical temperature of the order of $0.05$ K. The transverse (Hall) valley conductivity is evaluated exactly and shown to coincide with the one in the usual Quantum Hall effect. 2) DC-conductivity - By considering the corrections induced by PQED in the vacuum polarization tensor or, equivalently, in the current correlator, up to two-loops, we are able to obtain  a smooth zero-frequency limit in Kubo's formula. Thereby, we obtain in zeroth order, the usual expression for the minimal DC-conductivity plus higher- order corrections due to the interaction. These make our result, to the best of our knowledge, the closest to the experimental value. 3) Gap and Midgap States - We study the effects of the interaction on the electron self-energy and show that this produces a shift in the electron propagator poles. The energy spectrum is such that a set of P- and T- symmetric gapped electron energy eigenstates are dynamically generated, with an infinite number of midgap states. This discrete set of states are related to the QVHE in similar way the Landau levels are related to the ordinary Quantum Hall Effect.

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