Aug 18 – 22, 2014
Reykjavík, Askja, room N-132
Europe/Stockholm timezone


The 2014 annual workshop of the ESF network HoloGrav will be held in Reykjavík, Iceland, on August 18-22, 2014. The meeting will provide an overview and assessment of recent progress in applying holographic methods to various strongly coupled quantum systems. Focus topics include:

  • quantum entanglement
  • out of equilibrium dynamics in condensed matter and in heavy ion collisions
  • explicit and spontaneous symmetry breaking in holographic models
  • holography for higher spin theories
  • integrability in supersymmetric gauge theories



The meeting starts at 9.30 am on Monday and ends on Friday at 5.00 pm. It is primarily intended for members of the HoloGrav network, but other scientists working in the area of research covered by the network may apply as well.

Invited speakers include

  • Timo Alho, University of Jyväskylä
  • Alejandra Castro, University of Amsterdam
  • Miguel Costa, University of Porto
  • Ben Craps, Vrije U., Brussels
  • Aristomenis Donos, DAMTP, Cambridge
  • Johanna Erdmenger, MPI, Munich
  • Nick Evans, University of Southampton
  • Jerome Gauntlett, Imperial College
  • Simone Giombi, Princeton University
  • Blaise Goutéraux, NORDITA
  • Andrew Green, University College London
  • Giuseppe Policastro, ENS
  • Simon Ross, Durham University
  • Koenraad Schalm, Leiden University
  • David Tong, DAMTP, Cambridge
  • Erik Tonni, SISSA
  • Stefan Vandoren, Utrecht University
  • Balt Van Rees, CERN
  • Dmytro Volin, Trinity College Dublin
  • Jan Zaanen, Leiden University


If you want to participate in the workshop, please fill in the application form. For further information please visit the page Registration.

PhD students at Nordic universities can apply for funds towards their travel expenses.

For participants who are not members of the HoloGrav network there is a registration fee of 100 euros. The registration fee should be paid at the conference on the first day.

Registration deadline: May 15, 2014


A block reservation has been made at some Reykjavík hotels. Please visit the page Accommodation. August is high tourist season in Reykjavík and we strongly recommend to book hotel rooms early.

Note: There are no more pre-reserved rooms available (updated on May 13).

Sponsored by:

ESF - European Science Foundation Nordita University of Iceland

Organizing Committee

  • Johanna Erdmenger (MPI, Munich)
  • Valentina Giangreco Puletti (Univ. of Iceland)
  • Esko Keski-Vakkuri (Helsinki Univ.)
  • Elias Kiritsis (Univ. of Crete)
  • Joseph Minahan (Uppsala Univ.)
  • Niels Obers (NBI, Copenhagen)
  • Lárus Thorlacius (Nordita & Univ. of Iceland)

Pictures by

Anna Pachol and Simone Zonetti
Reykjavík, Askja, room N-132