18–23 Aug 2014
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

sl(2,R)- connections on circle bundles over space-time

19 Aug 2014, 14:00
Svedbergsalen (FD5) (Nordita, Stockholm)

Svedbergsalen (FD5)

Nordita, Stockholm


Prof. Michael Freedman (Microsoft Station Q, USA)


Abstract:   For the usual U(1) - principle bundle of electromagnetism with a U(1) - connection, A, magnetic charge can be calculated by integrating a local quantity (magnetic flux). This is no longer true if we allow the connection to boost the fibers (i.e. where SL(2,R) acts by linear fractional transformations on the fibers.) This strange phenomena of magnetic charge without magnet flux allows the construction of monopoles with exotic topologies. In condensed matter one can similarly imagine a circle valued order parameter (say of a superfluid) but with an sl(2,R)- connection created artificially in the cold-atom settings. In this case it is possible to produce a 2npi rotational flux from a connection that is a pure boost. The quantization condition on the boost is now expressed via hyperbolic geometry. Finally, a superconductor with sl(2,R)-connection on a circular order parameter is considered within Ginzburg- Landau theory. Each of these three examples calls for a different explanation of how the sl(2,R) behavior could arise.  This is joint work with Roman Lutchyn.

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