15–17 May 2008
<a href="http://www.albanova.se/">AlbaNova</a>
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Consensus under bounded connectivity control laws and time delayed communication

15 May 2008, 14:20
FB42 (AlbaNova main building)


AlbaNova main building

AlbaNova University Center Roslagstullsbacken 21 Stockholm, Sweden


Dr Dimos Dimarogonas (KTH)


Multi-agent consensus problems where agents aim to attain a common value of some quantity under limited communication have received increasing attention recently, due to their application in multi-vehicle and multi-robot systems, as well as distributed estimation and filtering in networked systems. In this talk we present two recent results on consensus problems. The first part of the talk involves a control algorithm for connectivity maintenance in consensus networks with bounded inputs. In the second part, we assume that each agent receives instantaneously its own output information but receives the information from its neighbors after a constant delay and provide a theoretical analysis on the resulting equilibria.
The results are supported through numerical simulations

Presentation materials