15–17 May 2008
<a href="http://www.albanova.se/">AlbaNova</a>
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Simplifying Distributed Application Development using WheelFS

15 May 2008, 13:00
FB42 (AlbaNova main building)


AlbaNova main building

AlbaNova University Center Roslagstullsbacken 21 Stockholm, Sweden


Jeremy Stribling (MIT CSAIL)


It is a challenge to build applications that need to share data and are distributed across hundreds or thousands of computers in a wide-area network (e.g., PlanetLab or on a Grid). In order to cope with high latency, throughput bottlenecks, and temporary failures, such applications typically implement their own storage plan or use special-purpose storage solutions (e.g., DISC, Globus, DHash, etc.). Inspired by the success of the Google File System for cluster applications, we investigate whether a general-purpose wide-area file system could simplify building distributed applications. In particular, this talk presents WheelFS, a new distributed file system that eases the development of distributed applications such as cooperative Web caches, data-intensive Grid applications, and distributed email systems. By giving applications a familiar POSIX interface, and giving them control of how the file system handles their data in the face of the challenging wide-area network, WheelFS simplifies the development of new applications and allows reuse of much existing code -- often distributed applications can be created with just a few changes to a configuration file. This talk will present the design and implementation of WheelFS, and evaluate its performance in the context of several applications.

Presentation materials