15–17 May 2008
<a href="http://www.albanova.se/">AlbaNova</a>
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Tail Behavior and Scaling of the Playback Delay for Overlay Multicast

15 May 2008, 16:20
FB42 (AlbaNova main building)


AlbaNova main building

AlbaNova University Center Roslagstullsbacken 21 Stockholm, Sweden


Dr György Dan (KTH)


A large number of peer-to-peer streaming systems has been proposed and deployed in recent years. Yet, there is no clear understanding of how these systems scale and how multi-path and multihop transmission, properties of all recent systems, affect the quality experienced by the peers. In this talk we present an analytical study that considers the relationship between delay and loss for general overlays: we study the trade-off between the playback delay and the probability of missing a packet and we derive bounds on the scalability of the systems. We use an exact model of push-based overlays to show that the bounds hold under diverse conditions: in the presence of errors, under node churn, and when using forward error correction and various retransmission schemes

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