4–8 Jul 2016
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Amplitudes 2016

Scattering amplitudes have played a central role in quantum field theory since its inception. Recent years have seen a remarkable advance in our understanding and in our ability to compute scattering amplitudes, both for theoretical and phenomenological purposes. At the peak of the Nordic summer, Nordita and Stockholm will serve as hosts for the international conference Amplitudes 2016. The conference is devoted to exciting developments in the field of scattering amplitudes and related subjects. This includes, but is not limited to: amplitudes in gauge, gravity, and string theories, AdS/CFT and integrability, integrand structure of SYM and supergravity, IR and UV behavior, mathematics of polylogarithms and integrals, Grassmannians and twistor string approaches, symmetries and soft theorems, and connections to LHC phenomenology.

Schedule of talks.

Slides from the talks.

Videos from the talks (on Youtube).

Poster contributions (pdf files).

Invited speakers

  • Babis Anastasiou, ETH Zürich
  • Benjamin Basso, ENS Paris
  • Nathan Berkovits, São Paulo State
  • Zvi Bern, UCLA
  • Jacob Bourjaily, Niels Bohr Institute
  • Simon Caron-Huot, Niels Bohr Institute
  • Clifford Cheung, Caltech
  • Marco Chiodaroli, AEI Potsdam
  • Lance Dixon, SLAC
  • Claude Duhr, CERN
  • David Dunbar, Swansea
  • Einan Gardi, Edinburgh
  • Yvonne Geyer, Oxford
  • Michael Green, Cambridge
  • Omer Gurdogan, ENS Paris
  • Paul Heslop, Durham
  • Matin Mojaza, Nordita
  • Ricardo Monteiro, Oxford
  • Alexander Ochirov, Edinburgh
  • Jan Plefka, Humboldt
  • Robert Schabinger, Trinity College Dublin
  • Amit Sever, Tel Aviv University
  • Marcus Spradlin, Brown
  • Stephan Stieberger, MPI Munich
  • Jaroslav Trnka, UC Davis
  • Arkady Tseytlin, Imperial College
  • Yifan Wang, MIT
  • Congkao Wen, INFN Rome
  • Christopher White, Glasgow
  • Frank Wilczek, MIT
  • Ellis Yuan, IAS Princeton
  • Yang Zhang, ETH Zürich

Scientific Advisory Committee

  • Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS Princeton)
  • Niklas Beisert (ETH Zürich)
  • Zvi Bern (UCLA)
  • Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin & IPhT/CEA Saclay)
  • Henriette Elvang (University of Michigan)
  • Gabriele Travaglini (Queen Mary U. of London)


The conference talks are located to the F2 lecture hall on the KTH campus, 15 min walk from Nordita, in the northern part of central Stockholm.

Social Events

Conference Poster

Amplitudes 2016 International Conference
Design: Josh Nohle and Hans Mühlen

Financial Support

The conference is supported through funding from Nordita, Uppsala University, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Wenner-Gren Foundations.

Nordita Uppsala University Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Wenner-Gren Foundations

Conference series

Amplitudes 2016 at Nordita is part of a conference series that begun in 2009. Previous and upcoming conferences are: