20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Response of chromospheric jets in the corona

22 Jun 2016, 11:45
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Tanmoy Samanta (Indian Institute of Astrophysics)


The solar chromosphere and transition region plays an important role in understanding the interaction between the relatively cool photospheric plasma and the hot multi-million degree corona. It is only beginning to be understood where and how the required energy is generated, transported and dissipated. It appears that the chromosphere and transition region plays a key role in the process. Dynamic jets as observed with high resolution Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) are currently being studied. We found that these jets are associated with coronal dynamics. This association between jets seen in the chromosphere and material heated to millions degree temperatures seen in the corona, suggests that they play an important role in supplying and also heating the plasma to maintain the corona. Our observations indicates that a common process which generates small-scale jets also generates propagating intensity disturbances (PDs) in the corona. It is most likely that the observed PDs are magneto-acoustic waves which propagate to higher heights while the cool jet material falls back.

Primary author

Tanmoy Samanta (Indian Institute of Astrophysics)


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