20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Spectral analysis and modelling of solar flare chromospheric condensation

21 Jun 2016, 16:00
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


David Graham (INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)


We follow up on our recent analysis of the X-Class flare SOL2014-09-10T17:45, where we studied the impulsive phase dynamics of tens of individual flaring kernels", in both coronal (Fe XXI) and chromospheric (MgII) lines observed at high cadence with IRIS. We concentrate here on the chromospheric aspect of the phenomenon, extending the analysis to multiple spectral lines of Mg II, Fe II, Si I, C II. We show that many flaring kernels display high velocity downflows in the spectra of all these chromospheric lines, exhibiting distinct, transient and strongly redshifted spectral components. From preliminary modelling using RADYN with the thick-target interpretation, the presence of two spectral components appears to be consistent with a high flux beam of accelerated electrons. In particular the highest energy electrons can heat the denser, lower layers of the atmosphere, while the bulk of the beam energy, deposited higher in the atmosphere, is sufficient to produce chromospheric evaporation with a corresponding condensation."

Primary author

David Graham (INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)


Presentation materials