20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Depth stratification of the LOS velocities of a sunspot chromosphere

Not scheduled
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Sara Esteban Pozuelo (ISP)


While the photospheric Evershed flow has been studied in-depth, the origin of its chromospheric counterpart, the inverse Evershed effect, remains unclear. The siphon flow mechanism has been proposed as the driver of the inverse Evershed flow, which has been observed as a subsonic flow that becomes supersonic at the top of the superpenumbral fibrils and then suddenly returns to subsonic velocities due to a shock in lower layers (e.g., Maltby 1975; Beck et al. 2015). Recently, some authors have studied the chromospheric fine-structure over sunspots to characterize their magnetic structure (e.g., de la Cruz Rodriguez & Socas Navarro 2011; Schad et al. 2015) and noticed a mismatching between superpenumbral fibrils and the magnetic field vector. Specifically, Schad et al. (2015) found that the magnetic field is not as fine-structured as fibrils in intensity. We study the depth stratification of the line-of-sight velocities derived from non-LTE inversions. We make use of a stable temporal sequence of high spatial resolution spectropolarimetric data of a sunspot acquired with the CRISP instrument at the Ca II 854.2 nm spectral line.

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