20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Observation of Ellerman Bomb emission features in He I D3 and He I λ10830

21 Jun 2016, 11:45
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Tine Libbrecht (Institute for Solar Physics, Stockholm University)


Ellerman Bombs (EBs) are short-lived emission features observed in the wings of Balmer lines of hydrogen. So far, no distinct signature of EBs has been found in the He I λ10830 line, and observations of EBs in He I D3 have never been reported. We aim to study the signature of EBs in neutral helium triplet lines using SST/TRIPPEL raster scans, featuring the Hβ, He I D3 and He I λ10830 spectral regions. We also obtained raster scans with IRIS and make use of the SDO/AIA 1700 Å channel. Three of the EBs in our data show distinct emission signatures in He I D3. In some cases, there are some weaker emission effects in He I λ10830 as well. The helium lines seem to have two components: a broadened and blueshifted emission component, probably associated with the EB, and an absorption component, probably due to absorption in the overlying chromosphere. With HeLiX+, we disentangle the two components in the spectra. Recently, there has been a discussion on the nature of IRIS bombs and Ellerman Bombs observed in the Si IV 1400 Å spectral lines with IRIS. It has been suggested that Ellerman Bombs are possibly much hotter than previously thought. We indeed believe that very high temperatures are needed to create EB emission signatures in neutral helium triplet lines.

Primary author

Tine Libbrecht (Institute for Solar Physics, Stockholm University)


Presentation materials