20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

On the Connection between Propagating Coronal Disturbances and Chromospheric Footpoints

Not scheduled
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Paul Bryans


IRIS provides an unparalleled opportunity to explore the (thermal) interface between the chromosphere, transition region, and the coronal plasma observed by AIA. The SDO/AIA observations of a coronal loop footpoint show strong recurring upward propagating signals - "propagating coronal disturbances'' (PCDs) with apparent speeds of order 120 km/s. That signal has a clear signature in the slit-jaw images of IRIS in addition to identifiable spectral signatures and diagnostics in the Mg II h line. In analyzing this line, we are able to observe the presence of magnetoacoustic shock waves that are also present in the vicinity of the coronal loop footpoints. We see there is enough of a correspondence between the shock propagation in Mg II h, the evolution of the Si IV line profiles, and the PCD evolution to indicate that these waves are also an important ingredient for PCDs such that waves and flows both appear to be contributing to the signals observed.

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