20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Transition Region and Chromospheric Signatures of Impulsive Heating Events

20 Jun 2016, 10:15
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Harry Warren (NRL)


We exploit the high spatial resolution and high cadence of IRIS to investigate the response of the transition region and chromosphere to energy deposition during several small flares. We find that during the impulsive phase of these events the intensities of the C II 1334 and Si IV 1403 emission lines are characterized by numerous, small-scale impulsive bursts typically lasting 60 s or less, followed by a slower decay over several minutes. These variations in intensity are usually accompanied by redshifts of 20–40 km/s, although some blueshifted profiles are also observed. For one particularly well observed event we combine the IRIS observations with co-temporal measurements of hard X-ray emission from RHESSSI, transition region density from EIS, and high-temperature coronal loops with XRT and AIA to constrain 1D hydrodynamic models of loop evolution. Many aspects of the observations can be explained with simple heating scenarios, but some cannot. The simulated Doppler shifts, for example, show very short-duration redshifts during the initial phase of the heating while the observed redshifts persist over several minutes.

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