20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Multi-fluid effects in the solar atmosphere (Invited)

22 Jun 2016, 14:15
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Manuel Collados (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)


The deepest layers of the solar atmosphere are only partially ionised. As a result, the presence of neutrals cannot be neglected and they can influence magnetic structures in various aspects. Neutrals do not feel directly the effects of the Lorentz force and are only sensitive to it through collisions with charged particles. The net effect is that these collisions have an impact on the electric currents and, as a consequence, they can influence the magnetic equilibrium, they can give rise to magnetic instabilities, they can have an impact on wave propagation and can give rise to a number of energy dissipation mechanisms. Under a single-fluid approach, all these effects appear through the generalised Ohm's law, in which a number of non-ideal terms appear. These terms have different importance, and at different spatial and temporal scales, depending on the magnetic configuration and at different heights on the solar atmosphere. Two-fluid or multi-fluid approaches have also been attempted. Even if there are no definite evidences yet of the effects induced by the presence of neutrals on some solar phenomena, there is an increasing opinion that observations and numerical simulations with higher and higher spatial resolution are required to identify them. In this contribution, all these aspects will be reviewed under three points of view: advances under purely theoretical analyses, progress in numerical simulations and attempts to observationally determine the different behaviour of the neutral and charged components of the solar plasma.

Primary author

Manuel Collados (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)

Presentation materials