20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

A space-based investigation of cross-sectional area oscillations in sunspot and magnetic pores.

Not scheduled
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Nabil Freij (University of Balearic Islands)


Ground-based observations have revealed that sunspots and magnetic pores display a range of oscillations that are observed in cross-sectional area of these structures. Previous work has demonstrated that these oscillations range from several to tens of minutes and are interpreted as slow MHD sausage waves. An important property of these waves is that they are able to channel energy as they propagate upwardly from the photosphere and into the chromosphere. To achieve these results requires the accurate contouring of these structures and the amplitude of the observed oscillations. The current literature has only measured the cross-sectional area of these magnetic structures using a threshold value from the Quiet-Sun and focused on ground-based data which, while reduced, still has effects from the Earth's atmosphere. By making the move to IRIS and Hinode, it allows several improvements when compared to current literature. With the removal of Earth's atmospheric, seeing effects which can introduce oscillations are removed and give a cleaner estimate of the oscillation amplitude. Furthermore, by investigating a range of thresholding methods details the difficulties and best practices of thresholding sunspots and magnetic pores.

Primary author

Nabil Freij (University of Balearic Islands)

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