20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Solar flares and their connections to the lower solar atmosphere (Invited)

21 Jun 2016, 09:00
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Lucia Kleint (FHNW Switzerland)


A large part of the energy of solar flares goes into heating, radiation, and mass motion in the lower solar atmosphere. By combining IRIS data with different instruments, such as RHESSI, SDO, and ground-based telescopes, we can infer the properties from the photosphere to the corona during flares. In this talk, I will give an introduction to flare observations with IRIS. IRIS data can for example be used to constrain velocities of filament eruptions, continuum emission during flares, chromospheric evaporation, and state-of-the-art models of solar flares.

Primary author

Lucia Kleint (FHNW Switzerland)

Presentation materials