20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

A contrail fibril

20 Jun 2016, 12:30
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Rob Rutten (Lingezicht Astrophysics)


The solar chromosphere observed in H-alpha consists mostly of narrow fibrils. The longest typically originate in network or plage and arch far over adjacent internetwork. We use data from SST, IRIS and SDO to analyze one well-observed example in a quiet area. It resulted from the earlier passage of an accelerating disturbance in which the gas was heated to transition-region and even coronal temperatures, as in the spicule-II phenomenon. After this passage a dark fibril appeared much as contrails appear behind aircraft. We use Saha-Boltzmann extinction estimation to gauge the onset visibility in various diagnostics and conclude that such long H-alpha fibrils can indeed be contrail phenomena, not indicative of the thermodynamic and magnetic environment when they are observed but of more dynamic preceding happenings. Such H-alpha fibrils do not connect network across internetwork cells but represent tracks of disturbances launched from either side. They chart the magnetic field topography at launch, not at present.

Primary author

Rob Rutten (Lingezicht Astrophysics)


Presentation materials