20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Upper chromospheric magnetic field of a sunspot penumbra: observation of fine structure

20 Jun 2016, 14:50
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Jayant Joshi (ISP Stockholm)


We studied magnetic field structure of a sunspot penumbra in the upper chromosphere and compared it to that in the photosphere. High spatial resolution spectropolarimetric observations were recorded with the 1.5-meter GREGOR telescope using the GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS). The observed spectral domain includes the upper chromospheric He I triplet at 10830 Å and the photospheric Si I 10827.1 Å and Ca I 10833.4 Å lines. The upper chromospheric magnetic field is obtained by inversions applied to the He i triplet assuming a Milne-Eddington type atmosphere. The height dependent photospheric magnetic field is retrieved by inversions applied to the Si I 10827.1 Å and Ca I 10833.4 Å lines. We find that the magnetic field strength of the observed penumbra does not show variations on small spatial scales in the upper chromosphere, whereas the inclination of the magnetic field shows variations in the azimuthal direction, resembling the well known spine-interspine structure in the photospheric layers of penumbrae. The variations in the magnetic field inclination in the upper chromosphere remarkably coincide with the variations in the inclination of the photospheric field. The typical peak to peak variation in the inclination of the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere is found to be 10°-15°, compared to 20°-25° in the photosphere.

Primary author

Jayant Joshi (ISP Stockholm)


Presentation materials