22–26 Aug 2016
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Challenges and first results from CO and IR measurements in local Lyman Alpha Emitters

26 Aug 2016, 14:10
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Johannes Puschnig (Stockholm University)


Carbon Monoxide has proven to be a well-calibrated tracer of the total molecular gas content in galaxies at low and high redshift. However, CO observations in galaxies of subsolar metallicity remain challenging, even in the local universe. For that reason, the dust mass is often used to infer the molecular gas in low metallicity systems. I will present first results of CO and dust measurements in the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS), a sample of local Lyman Alpha emitting starburst galaxies, all of subsolar metallicity. Using multiple-J CO transitians obtained with APEX and the IRAM 30m telescope, as well as Herschel/PACS and WISE data in combination with physical dust models and PDR codes, properties of the star forming gas could be derived and CO and dust scaling relations studied.

Primary author

Johannes Puschnig (Stockholm University)

Presentation materials