- Photos of participants in Week 8
- Photos of participants in Week 7
- Photos of participants in Week 6
Photos of participants in Week 5
The application deadline has now passed, so no new applications can be considered. We can only accept applications/registrations from those who have been in touch with the organizers.
This program has two related focus areas, each of which culminate in a 2-day conference:
- 6 April-2 May: Turbulent boundary layers at high Reynolds number,
coordinators: Axel Brandenburg Nordita), Dan Henningson (KTH), Henrik Alfredsson (KTH)
6-9 April: Spring School on Turbulent Boundary Layers
29-30 April: Conference on Turbulent Boundary Layers
- 3-29 May: Turbulent combustion,
coordinators: Axel Brandenburg (Nordita), Nils Erland Haugen (Sintef), Arne Johansson (KTH)
26-28 May: Conference on Turbulent Combustion
One of the big challenges to mankind in our time is the uncontrolled release of greenhouse gases from conventional power plants into the atmosphere. Capturing the resulting carbon dioxide from the exhaust gas is in principle possible but expensive due to the low partiall pressure of carbon dioxide in the exhaust gas from conventional power plants. One of the preferred alternative techniques involves the burning of hydrogen that can be extracted from hydrocarbons. In that case the carbon dioxide is taken out beforehand and can be stored, for example deep underground in existing oil reservoirs. Numerical simulations play here an important role in determining the optimum combustion chamber design, which has an impact on the lifetime of the combustion chamber itself and on reduction of the unwanted production of various nitrogen oxides.
Turbulent boundary layers, appearing on solid surfaces of bodies submerged in fluids but also in channel and pipe flows, are among the canonical, wall-bounded, turbulent flows that have been the focus of experimental and analytical investigations for almost a century. Still there are several unresolved issues even related to fairly basic mechanisms, such as the variation of turbulent stresses with Reynolds number, scaling of spectra, what are the differences (if any) between confined flows (channel and pipe) and open boundary layer flows, the interaction between outer and inner region, the properties of small-scale turbulence near the dissipation range etc. Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) have made it possible recently to penetrate the details of such flows in great detail, and gives the researcher access to all types of information, such as stresses, vorticity, pressure fluctuations, complete Reynolds-stress budgets, as well as correlations among these quantities. In order to clearly show scaling behaviour it is necessary to achieve sufficient scale separation between outer and inner scales which is still only marginally possible even in the largest DNS carried out today. In addition, proper spatial resolution is crucial for accurate and reliable DNS data. On the other hand, simulation approaches at least partially relying on modelling such as large-eddy simulation (LES) are also topics of intense ongoing research right now. Experiments in turbulent boundary layers experience the opposite problem as simulations in the sense that the Reynolds can easily be made large, however the measurements can usually only provide limited information; some quantities are difficult or even impossible to measure. Therefore the interaction between groups and the exchange of experimental and DNS data is extremely useful in order to resolve many of the open issues mentioned above.
In the first part of the Nordita programme, devoted to turbulent boundary layers, some of the leading fluid physicists who have been working actively in the area of turbulent boundary layers will meet to penetrate some of the unanswered scientific questions regarding wall-bounded flows. To their disposal are several different DNS data sets obtained by various groups, and experimental data will be available for analysis and comparison during the programme. Regular seminars and two larger general-interest lectures are held during the programme, together with a four days graduate school at the beginning (April 6-9, 2010) and a workshop at the end (April 29-30, 2010).
If you want further information of the turbulent boundary layer part of the program please contact Philipp Schlatter (pschlatt@mech.kth.se) or Henrik Alfredsson (hal@mech.kth.se).
The aim of the program is twofold; firstly to bring together people from the community of direct turbulence simulations to probe the validity of turbulence models, Large Eddy Simulations, and Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes solvers that are commonly used in industry. Secondly the aim is to resolve some of the still unresolved problems within turbulent combustion, such as e.g. how a turbulent premixed flame propagates. The importance of basic research in connection with energy production is evident. Simulations are important, because questions regarding the temperature distribution cannot easily be addressed experimentally. Simulations provide an important tool, if we can trust the subgrid scale prescriptions employed in many simulations.
The picture at the top is courtesy of Miyauchi Toshio and Tanahashi Mamoru: (link to figure source).
The second picture is courtesy of Philipp Schlatter (link to figure source).
The meeting is sponsored jointly by Nordita and the Linné FLOW Centre in Stockholm.
Logistic issues
Nordita has reserved about 25 apartments for program participants. This is the preferred mode of accommodation, especially for our long-term participants.
How to get here? (this link has a description and a map). The meeting takes place in the main AlbaNova building, just next to the Nordita building.
Conference 26-28 May (Weeks 5-8)
Preliminary schedule (Weeks 5-8)