Ben Brubaker
"First results from a microwave cavity axion search at 24 \mueV"
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Dmitry Budker
"Precession in the Dark . Searching for ultralight dark matter with nuclear resonance and atomic sprctroscopy"
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Giovanni Cantatore
"Status of the physics program at CAST aKWISP: investigating short-range interactions at sub-micron scales"
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Woohyun Chung
"Microwave experiments in Korea"
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Jan Conrad
"Status and outlook for WIMP detection"
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Paolo Di Vecchia
"Effective Lagrangian for mesons and axion"
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Iain Dixon
"Ultra-High Field Solenoids and Axion Detection"
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Babette Döbrich
"Axion-like particle search with NA62 (at 12 orders of magnitude in mass above the axion from hell)"
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Maurizio Giannotti
"Stellar cooling anomalies and the case of axions and axion like particles"
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Kensuke Homma
"Probing pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons via multi-wavelengths four-wave mixing"
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Young-Im Kim
"Precision Physics at CAPP/IBS muon g-2 and storage ring EDM experiments"
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Byeong Rok Ko
"Axion haloscopes with toroidal geometry at CAPP/IBS"
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Massimiliano Lattanzi
"Constraints on axion properties from cosmological observations"
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Axel Lindner
"ALPS II at DESY and prospects for future light-shining-through-a-wall experiments"
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"Some concluding remarks"
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Bela Majorovits
"PMADMAX: a new QCD Dark Matter Axion search"
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Jhilik Majumdar
"Searches for modulation of gamma-ray spectra in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of photon-ALPs mixing"
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Manuel Meyer
"Searches for axion-like particles with the Fermi Large Area Telescope"
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Alex Millar
"Dielectric haloscopes: a new way to detect axion dark matter"
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Alessandro Mirizzi
"Axions from supernovae: Bounds and discovery opportunities"
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Daniele Montanino
"Limits on Cosmic APLs Background from Cosmic Reonization"
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Guido Mueller
"Coherent generation and detection of axions in laser experiments"
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Le Hoang Nguyen
"Preliminary Result and Status of WISPDMX - A Large Resonance Cavity Experiment"
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Jens Niemeyer
"Simulations of ultralight axion dark matter halos"
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Jonathan Ouellet
"ABRACADABRA. A Broadband Search for Axion Dark Matter"
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Georg G. Raffelt
"Axions in the Skies"
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Javier Redondo
"The Axion from Hell"
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"Physics case, prospects and status of the International AXion Observatory IAXO"
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Andreas Ringwald
"Axion Cold Dark Matter"
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"SM*A*S*H. A Minimal Model for Particle Physics and Cosmology"
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Leslie J Rosenberg
"Status of the ADMX Axion Search Program"
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Yannis K. Semertzidis
"Collaboration opportunities with CAPP"
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Pierre Sikivie
"The Search for Axions"
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"Bose-Einstein condensation of dark matter axions"
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Gaurav Tomar
"Vector Dark Matter Annihilation with Internal Bremsstrahlung"
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Luca Visinelli
"Axions CDM in non-standard cosmologies"
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Frank Wilczek
"Introduction to Axions"
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Jonghee Yoo
"Dark Matter Axion Search using High Field Magnets at CAPP"
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SungWoo Youn
"Multiple-Cavity Detector for Axion Search"
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Konstantin Zioutas
"Search for streaming DM axions or other exotica"
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