6–7 Nov 2017
Geovetenskapens hus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Minimal U(1)-theories, anomalies & collider phenomenology

7 Nov 2017, 10:00
DeGeersalen (Geovetenskapens hus)


Geovetenskapens hus

Svante Arrhenius väg 14 Stockholm, Sweden


Mr Johan Löfgren (Uppsala University)


A neutral and massive vector boson, often called Z', is a common feature of many beyond standard model scenarios. The simplest such models extend the electroweak sector of the SM with an extra U(1)-group, spontaneously broken at some higher scale. In such extensions it is important to ensure that this classical symmetry is not violated by quantum effects - so called anomalies. In a theory with chiral fermions, explicit anomaly cancellation requires relations between the different U(1)-charges of these fermions. It is also possible to cancel the anomalies through a Green-Schwarz mechanism, an effect of integrating out 'heavy physics' (can be attributed to string theory or simply to heavy chiral fermions). In this talk I will discuss Z' phenomenology of minimal U(1)-theories at the LHC, with focus on the constraints imposed by anomaly cancellation. I will discuss similarities and differences between explicit anomaly cancellation and the Green-Schwarz mechanism. This talk is in part based on arXiv:1605.04855, in part on a forthcoming paper.

Primary author

Mr Johan Löfgren (Uppsala University)


Mr Andreas Ekstedt (Uppsala University) Prof. Gunnar Ingelman (Uppsala University) Dr Rikard Enberg (Uppsala University) Dr Tanumoy Mandal (Uppsala University, University of Delhi)

Presentation materials