Slides From Talks


  • Alexandros Binios
    "How to Measure Magnetic Fields. Focusing on Cross and Magnetic Helicities"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Philippe Bourdin
    "Magnetic Helicity Reversal in the Corona at Small Plasma Beta"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Axel Brandenburg
    "Role, importance and evolution of helicity in natural systems"
    Slides (Powerpoint)
    "Homochirality without autocatalysis or cross-inhibition"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Long Chen
    "Topology of resistive magnetic relaxation"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Gustavo Guerrero
    "Stellar dynamos driven by magnetic helicity in radiative zones"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Viggo Hansteen
    "Flux emergence and the chromosphere; Ellerman bombs and UV-bursts. Reconnection at different atmospheric layers?"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Gareth Hawkes
    "Localised Helicity and Surface Flux Contributions"
    Slides (Powerpoint)

  • Reko Hynönen
    "Solar wind cross helicity over solar cycles 23 and 24"
    Slides (Powerpoint)
    "What drives space weather and what has helicity got to do with it? ...or assorted thoughts and questions of a confused PhD student"
    Slides (Powerpoint)

  • Maarit Käpylä
    "Solar helicities program: summary of dynamo topic (3)"
    Slides (Powerpoint)

  • Andreas Lagg
    "Towards better vector magnetic field maps for helicity observations"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Yang Liu
    "Observations And Measurements Of Helicity: Studying Magnetic Helicity With SDO/HMI Data"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Shiva Kumar Malapaka
    "Spectral, visualization and statistical studies of helicity forced and decaying 3D-MHD turbulent flows"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Bhishek Manek
    "Solar Hemispheric Helicity Selection Rules: Rise of Magnetic Flux Tubes in a Background Field"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Kostas Moraitis
    "Computation and applications of relative magnetic field line helicity"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Yasuhito Narita
    "Helicity measurements in space plasma"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Shabnam Nikbakhsh
    "Magnetic Complexity of Solar Active Region"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Aimee Norton
    "Tilt Angles of Bipolar Magnetic Regions"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Natela Oghrapishvili
    "On correction of limb brightening EUV coronal images"
    Poster (PDF)

  • Etienne Pariat
    "Relative magnetic helicity as a diagnostic of eruptivity"
    Slides (Powerpoint)

  • Kiwan Park
    "MHD Helical Dynamo in the Sun"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Alexei Pevtsov
    "Summary of Session 2"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Valery Pipin
    "Magnetic helicity distributions from dynamo models and SDO/HMI vector magnetic field synoptic maps"
    Slides (PDF)
    Movie 'bi' | Movie 'bi0' | Movie 'bi1' | Movie 'fsm' | Movie 'hel' (M4V)

  • Chris Prior
    "What information can we get from helicity input time-series"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Annick Pouquet
    "Helicity in rotating and/or stratified turbulence (RST), with a little of MHD"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Ameya Prabhu
    "Magnetic helicity of solar active regions"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Igor Rogachevskii
    "Role of Magnetic Helicity in Solar Nonlinear Dynamo"
    Slides (PDF)
    "Formation of Magnetic Structures in Density Stratified Turbulence"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Nishant Singh
    "Bihelical spectrum of solar magnetic helicity and its
    Slides (PDF)

  • Dmitry Sokoloff
    "Helicity separation in small-scale dynamo"
    Slides (Powerpoint)

  • Rodion Stepanov
    "Cross helicity sign reversals in the dissipative scales MHD turbulence"
    Slides (PDF)
    Slides (Powerpoint)

  • Eija Tanskanen
    "Geo-efficiency of solar wind helicity"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Mohammed Talafha
    "Optimization of surface flux transport models for the Solar polar magnetic field"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Bindesh Tripathi
    "Magnetic waves in a stratified medium: Dispersion relations and Exact solutions"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Steve Tobias
    "Dynamos and Helicity – an informal introduction"
    Slides (PDF)

  • P. Vemareddy
    "Measurements of helicity flux transfer from solar active regions and relevance to the eruptive nature "
    Slides (Powerpoint)

  • Ilpo Virtanen
    "Current helicity of the large scale photospheric magnetic field in 2010 - 2017"
    Slides (PDF)
    "Helicity, space weather and space climate"
    Slides (Powerpoint)

  • Jörn Warnecke
    "Dynamos and helicities in natural systems"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Anthony Yeates
    "Magnetic helicity in the global solar corona"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Nobumitsu Yokoi
    "Focus event, summary and discussion on topic 1: Role, importance, and evolution of helicity"
    Slides (PDF)
    "Turbulent transport in strongly compressible magnetohydrodynamic flows"
    Slides (PDF)