Sidhartha Goyal
Features of the CRISPR-Cas system, in which bacteria integrate small
segments of phage genome (spacers) into their DNA to neutralize
future attacks, suggest that its effect is not limited to individual
bacteria but may control the fate and structure of whole populations
[1]. In our model, we find that early dynamics of a recently acquired
spacer is largely independent of phage dynamics but crucially depends
on the burst-size of phage infections. In contrast, the fates of high
abundant spacers are strongly influenced by the feedback from phages
that creates a time-dependent fitness landscape for the spacers. Taken
together, we quantify the role of population parameters in maintaining
phage and bacterial diversity where CRISPR-cas is in the play.
[1] https://www.pnas.org/content/115/32/E7462)
Primary author
Sidhartha Goyal