Elena Agliari
In this talk I will discuss the development and implementation of a
statistical-inference tool to investigate extracellular and contact
independent cell-to-cell communication, that possibly yield to collective
This tool, based on the maximum-entropy principle, is entirely
statistically-driven rather than biologically-driven: it does not rely on
an a priori knowledge of the biochemical interactions among the
migrating cells. Instead, we leverage the statistical information stored
in empirical observations on cell motility, e.g., quantitative analyses of
cell speed and directionality obtained in control environments, such as
microfluidic devices.
I will finally present some examples of application, where we focus on
immune cells moving on a lab-on-chip under different conditions.
E. Agliari, E. Biselli, A. De Ninno, G. Schiavoni, L. Gabriele, et al.,
“Cancer-driven dynamics of immune cells in a microfluidic
environment”, Scientific Reports, 4, 6639 (2014).
E. Biselli, E. Agliari, A. Barra, F.R. Bertani, A. Gerardino, et al., “Organs
on chio approach: a tool to evaluate cancer-immune cells interactions”,
Scientific Reports, 7, 12737 (2017).
E. Agliari, P.J. Sáez, A. Barra, M. Piel, P. Vargas, M. Castellana, “A
maximum-entropy approach for leukocyte migration in lab-on-chip
experiments”, to be submitted.
Primary author
Elena Agliari