Kunihiko Kaneko
Directionality and constraint in phenotypic evolution in terms of
phenotypic fluctuation and response against environmental change are
discussed. From dynamical-systems theory and evolution simulations,
we first demonstrate link between robustness to noise and to mutation.
This leads to proportionality between phenotypic plasticity by genetic
change and by environmental noise, which implies correlation between
plasticity by environmental perturbations and genetic change. Next,
global proportionality in the changes of high-dimensional phenotypes
(say expression of thousands of levels) due to environmental and
evolutionary changes is uncovered from simulations and experiments.
All the observed statistical laws for cellular states are explained by a
theory that adaptive changes in high-dimensional phenotypes are
restricted within a low-dimensional slow manifold, as a result of
dynamic robustness and evolutionary plasticity. The present results
are also confirmed by simulations of gene-expression and catalytic
reaction dynamics, as well as statistical physics model of evolving
interacting spins. Connection with bacterial evolution experiments as
well as protein data is also discussed.
As related topics, I also hope to discuss evolution-development
congruence, origin of central dogma as a result of symmetry breaking
in function and information
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9.The origin of a primordial genome through spontaneous symmetry
N Takeuchi, P Hogeweg, K Kaneko - Nature Comm 8(2017)250
10 N Takeuchi, K Kaneko,”The origin of the central dogma through
conflicting multi-level selection”, bioRxiv, 2019
Primary author
Kunihiko Kaneko