June 29, 2020 to July 24, 2020
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this program has been postponed by one year and will (most likely) take place in August/September 2021.

We will update this webpage (and re-open registration) as soon as the situation "clears up" and allows for more reliable planning.



Recently, strong correlations, quantum geometry and topology have been subjects of considerable attention in condensed matter physics.

Topological materials is the general nomer for systems with bulk insulating states and gapless conducting states on the surface which are robust and protected by topology. Currently, there is great interest in the effect of such many-body interactions on the topological states. As for topological multicomponent superconductors, their transport and electromagnetic responses can be vastly different from topologically trivial superconductors.

Real-space topology such as nature of topological excitations, is equally important as it dictates phase diagrams and many physical properties in superconductors and superfluids with multicomponent order parameters and magnets. Understanding the microscopic origin phase transitions and the phenomenology of topologically nontrivial states has been among the most active frontier research problems in recent years. In magnetism great progress is made in understanding and controlling topologically non trivial configurations in real space.

To a large extended it is two different communities working on real- and momentum space topology, but the questions are closely related and mutually important, especially in superconductivity and magnetism. In hallmark of this workshop, is to bring together both communities working on the topology in both momentum and real spaces of the wide range of condensed matter systems as well us new approaches for strongly correlated systems.

The program brings together leading researchers to work together on the outstanding open problems on frontiers of superconductivity and magnetism. Special focus ison the interplay of real- and momentum-space topology and strong correlations.

More information will be available here later.

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Nordita, Stockholm