OKC BSM meeting (zoom only - no physical room!)

A5:1003 (AlbaNova)



Ohm Christian (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Tim Linden (employee@su.se;member@su.se)

Zoom connection details:


Meeting ID: 104 167 778

    • 1
      Brief news
      Speakers: Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Tim Linden (employee@su.se;member@su.se)
    • 2
      New long-lived particles as sign of BSM at the LHC?

      Review of a few recent results from searches for long-lived BSM particles with ATLAS. Several different kinds of physics can give these signatures - any connections to work in other places in OKC?

      Speaker: Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
    • 3
      Instrumentation at OKC - quick follow-up discussion

      Slack channel and request for all BSM meeting attendees to propagate in their communities. It would be great to have some overview messages on the instrumentation involvments in our various groups, with links to more info. Then we can see if/where there are opportunities to collaborate more!

      Speaker: Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)