Summary: A phylodynamic analysis uses molecular sequences sampled at different times to learn about the population history of a virus. We will use BEAST 2 (Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis by Sampling Trees) to guide you through all steps of the analysis, from reconstructing phylogenies to choosing the appropriate population model. At the end of the course you will do a phylodynamic analysis by yourself.
Participants are requested to have the following programs installed prior to the workshop:
BEAST 2: a program for Bayesian analysis of molecular sequences using MCMC.
You can download the latest version from http://beast2.org/
This download will also include Beauti and TreeAnnotator that will be used during the practical.
Tracer: a program to inspect the trace file of parameters that are logged during the BEAST analysis
You can download the latest version from http://beast.community/tracer
FigTree: a program to view annotated phylogenetic trees
You can download the latest version from https://github.com/rambaut/figtree/releases
Note that under Windows you need to be allowed to run .exe files for these programs to run.