OKC BSM meeting (in A5:1041 and on zoom)

AlbaNova A5:1041 - CoPS grupprum (AlbaNova Main Building)

AlbaNova A5:1041 - CoPS grupprum

AlbaNova Main Building

Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Timothy Linden (Stockholm University)

Those who are at AlbaNova can come to A5:1041, but there will also be a zoom connection:

https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/104167778?pwd=b3EzTWJKTkJibmVnNFZLYllUNklPUT09 (room 104 167 778, password 737501)

    • 1
      Brief intro
      Speakers: Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Timothy Linden (Stockholm University)
    • 2
      Searching for ALPs at colliders - discussion about arxiv:2302.12262

      We'll discuss a recent paper on search strategies for ALPs at colliders, both from the theory/pheno and collider experimentalist perspectives.

      Speakers: Benjamin Wallisch (Stockholm University), Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)