I explore the possibility of dark matter being composed of stable scalar glueballs from a confining dark SU(N) gauge theory. The relic abundance of these glueballs is studied for the first time in a thermal effective theory, using an effective potential fitted by lattice simulations. The predicted relic abundance is smaller than previously believed. Moreover, this framework can be easily extended to different gauge groups and modified cosmological histories to explore strongly coupled dark sectors and their cosmological implications. Based on P.~Carenza, T.~Ferreira, R.~Pasechnik and Z.~W.~Wang, %Glueball dark matter, precisely,'' [arXiv:2306.09510 [hep-ph]]. P.~Carenza, R.~Pasechnik, G.~Salinas and Z.~W.~Wang, %
Glueball Dark Matter Revisited,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{129} (2022) no.26, 26 [arXiv:2207.13716 [hep-ph]].