Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics and Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, Sweden.
Last minute update: The room in Albano Building 2 was changed from 17 to 18!
23. Oct.: Room 18, Albano Building 2
24.-25. Oct.: Room 4204, Conference Center, Albano Building 3, floor 4 (Nordita building)
OKC Colloquium, 24. Oct.: Oskar Kleins auditorium (FR4 / AlbaNova Building)
Dinner, 24. Oct. 19:30: Kvarnen, Tjärhovsgatan 4
Directions from Nordita: bus 50 or 61 to Odenplan and then the green line to Medborgarplatsen. Alternatively, 25 minutes by bike starting from the AlbaNova main entrance.
Modern cosmology is an active interplay between quantum and classical field theories, gravity, astrophysics and particle physics. It combines theoretical constructions and observational tests in order to study the fundamental physics at very high energy scales. At the same time, the increasing precision of upcoming experiments in the next decade will probe our current understanding of cosmology, raising the prospect of finding new physics and making this an exciting time for cosmology.
The aim of this meeting is to gather researchers from Nordic countries and beyond working in cosmology and related areas to promote new collaborations and tighten scientific connections with and between Nordic universities to further advance progress in the area of cosmology. The meeting will include talks by invited speakers with an overview of research directions represented at Nordic universities, including (but not limited to) such areas as dark matter and dark energy, inflation, reheating, gravitational waves, cosmological phase transitions, axions and axion-like particles and advances in observational cosmology. Topical review lectures will be complemented by short talks by researchers at any career stage.
A poster can be found here.
- Dark matter and dark energy.
- Inflation and the Early Universe.
- Gravitational waves.
- Cosmological phase transitions.
- Axions and axion-like particles.
- Advances in observational cosmology.
Invited speakers
- Ulf H. Danielsson (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Jens Jasche (Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden).
- M.C. David Marsh (Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden).
- Martin S. Sloth (Universe-Origins, SDU, Denmark).
- David J. Weir (Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland).
- Ingunn Kathrine Wehus (Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Norway).
Special guest speaker: Ana Achúcarro (Leiden University and Basque University Bilbao, The Netherlands)
Participants are asked to organize their own accommodation and travel.
Registration and abstract submission
Registration will close on 30 September 2023 (or earlier, subject to capacity).
Abstract submission will close on 1 September 2023. There will also be a possibility to present a poster.
Researchers at any career stage are welcome to submit an abstract for a talk. Also, registrations from non-Nordic countries are welcome.
There is no conference fee. Coffee breaks are covered by Nordita. The information about a conference dinner will be provided later.
Update: There will be no remote participation possible.
Code of conduct
The Organization is committed to make this meeting productive, safe, and enjoyable for everyone regardless of nationality, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, political views, disability, and physical appearance. We will not tolerate harassment or misconduct in any form including, but not limited to, physical, verbal, and online actions. The following guidelines are expected to be followed by everyone at the meeting.
- Treat everyone with respect and consideration, this includes being respectful and mindful in your critique of ideas, and also to be mindful of your surroundings and your fellow participants. Do not insult or put down fellow attendees or staff.
- Communication is expected to be appropriate for a professional audience with diverse backgrounds. Harassment and sexist, racist, derogatory, or exclusionary jokes or comments will not be tolerated, neither are sexual language or imagery.
- Harassment includes (but it is not limited to) sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, sexual attention or innuendo, deliberate intimidation, stalking of any individual, and language bashing. It also includes offensive comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, religion or political views.
Any violation of these guidelines may result in the immediate removal of the offender from the meeting without warning and without refund. Furthermore, the offender’s action may be reported to the corresponding national institution. This will be at the sole discretion of the local organizing committee. Participants asked to stop any kind of inappropriate behaviour are expected to comply immediately. Anyone wishing to report any violation of these guidelines, is encouraged to speak to the organizers. The organization will grant confidentiality to both parties involved and will do everything in their power to restore a professional and safe environment for all as fast as possible.
(Adapted from "A Cosmic Window to Fundamental Physics: Primordial Non-Gaussianity and Beyond" workshop).